Samuel memandang ke jendela luar, cuba mencari-cari ayat di dalam bible yang beliau hafal.
"Tidak ada bukan?" Soal Fatohi, mematikan lamunan Samuel.
Tidak ada sepatah pun kata-kata keluar dari mulut Samuel. Kerut-kerut di mukanya semakin bergaris tebal. Tanda beliau semakin rungsing dan pening.
Fatohi menganggukkan kepalanya. Dia menunjukkan buku 'Jesus bukan beragama Kristian' tulisan Yussamir kepadanya.
"Nah! Di dalam buku ini semuanya sudah dibuktikan. Penulis buku ini sudah bawakan pelbagai fakta dan bukti dari Bible dan juga Sarjana Kristian."
Samuel teragak-agak untuk mengambil buku tersebut. Fatohi sekadar tersenyum.
"Kenapa? Takutkah?" Fatohi memprovokasi Samuel.
Samuel kaku seketika, kemudian cepat-cepat mencapai buku tersebut dan membelek-belek isi kandungannya.
Kemudian dia tersentak apabila membaca satu petikan dari buku tersebut.
Petikan tersebut adalah:
"Cendekiawan ‘New Testament’ secara keselurahannya bersetuju dengan pandangan bahawa Jesus tidak pernah membuat apa-apa dakwaan mengenai ketuhanan dirinya, Jesus tidak pernah mendakwa dirinya sebagai Tuhan, anak Tuhan atau penjelmaan Tuhan. Mendiang Archbishop Michael Ramsey, seorang ilmuwan ‘New Testament’, pernah menulis, “Jesus tidak pernah menganggap dirinya sebagai Tuhan”.
Samuel cepat- cepat menutup buku tersebut. Dia hilang kata-kata, dia semacam mahu pitam dan terus tumbang. Tapi cepat-cepat Fatohi menyedarkannya dan memberikannya segelas air.
"Eh kenapa kau ambil kembali buku tersebut." Samuel tidak berpuashati dengan tindakan Fatohi mengambil kembali buku yang dipinjamkannya tadi.
"Ah, beli sendiri. Buku ini ada di pasaran pada bulan Julai ini atau awal bulan Ogos." Fatohi terus berlalu pergi. Dia mendakap kuat buku tersebut.
Pandan Mewah, Kuala Lumpur
14 Julai 2010
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wah...teringat nak dptkan buku tuh! insyaallah..buku pertama yg pertama yang akan beli selepas pulang dari yaman nnt! tahniah bro...
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ is most definitely God. He created Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, in his image. He is the Creator of the universe. The Bible says, “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made” (John 1:3). This includes all the stars, all the original animals and plants, and even the angels (Colossians 1:15-17).
ReplyDeleteIt is important not be confused. God did not create Jesus. Jesus is God, and he has always existed.
Jesus proved that he is God by doing many things that only God could do. These are called miracles. He made dead people alive. He walked across a great lake. He made blind eyes see perfectly again. He healed deadly diseases with a word.The exciting truth is that Jesus is now also a man, and will remain so for all eternity. He humbled himself to become like one of his own creations. He chose to become a man to help us in an extremely important way. This amazing event happened about 2-thousand years ago. The results have changed the world forever.
The part of God that is called the Holy Spirit created God's human body inside of a woman named Mary (Matthew 1:20). God went into this human body that grew inside of Mary. The baby was born and grew into a man.
At various times in the past, Jesus had appeared to people in human form. One example is when he appeared to Abraham just before the judgment of the evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. But now, for the first time in history, God did not simply appear as man, he became fully human. Yet, he is still God. He is both God and man.
One huge difference between this man and every other man and woman, or boy and girl, is that Jesus was (and still is) sinless. We humans are full of sin. We sin every day. Jesus never did anything wrong, not even once. No matter what temptations came to him, he refused to sin. He has always remained pure and perfect.
Isn't it amazing to think about?! Our Creator walked among us. Like us, our Almighty God smelled the flowers and touched the animals that he had created. He loved boys and girls.
As a man, God experienced the same temptations that we feel (Hebrews 2:18). He suffered the same kind of physical pains that we suffer with. He also experienced emotional pain. He even wept about the city of Jerusalem (John 11:35). He was ignored, unappreciated, unloved, misunderstood, and even despised—even though he did nothing wrong, and always loved everyone (1 Peter 2:23). Not only is Jesus Christ the greatest man that ever lived; he is our Creator. He deserved all glory and honor!
ReplyDeleteI am sure that you have heard what people did to him. It was horribly painful and terribly unjust.
He had the power to stop their torture and taunting at any time. His power is awesome beyond anything we can understand. Yet, he did not defend himself. He let himself be like a perfect, innocent little lamb that hurt no one, and was sacrificed for the sins of the people.
He did this for us, because he loves us. Only he could pay the price for our sins. Only he could save us from the punishment we deserve. He suffered for us (1 Peter 2:21; 3:18; 4:1).
Today, he lives in Heaven and works to help us (Romans 8:34). The Bible tells us that one day he will return to earth to become the rightful king of the entire world. That will be a most wonderful time! Finally, we will have a leader that is good and wise in every way. The earth will be filled with God's glory and justice. Life on this planet will become so much better. Even the dangerous animals will become harmless (the wolf will lie down with the lamb) (Isaiah 11:6).
Is Jesus Christ God or man? The amazing answer is BOTH; he is God and man.Our relativistic age is confusing the whole issue about Jesus by imagining his relevance to be merely a matter of individual taste, like one's choice of hats! But the issue is really of an altogether different kind. Either this claim of the New Testament is true or it isn't. If it is falsehood, then let us go on to something else. But if the claim is true, shall we not come to terms with him and believe in him as he commands? The answer to that question rests not on what we may happen to prefer, but on whether Jesus of Nazareth stacks up as the one he claims to be. Helping you understand that he indeed is The Eternal Son of God (John 8:58) is what this answer is all about. Millions of Christians are quite certain that your eternal destiny and mine is at stake over what we have done with Jesus Christ (1 John 5:11-12).
tiada hakcipta dlm Islam.. opss
ReplyDeleteTuhan bisa berbicara pada pendoa2 yang berhati lembut bukan hanya Sbject yang bisa disembah
ReplyDeleteGod is not science/dead history.just pray to God to know the truth of God from God Himself.
U do not need smart brain /
you talked like the jesus is like a human,a what have the creater done. god is god, if you said that jesus want to touch, want to feel, want to have experience, want to see,is that like a human? and miracle that you have said, what about a prophet? prophet also have a miracle such as noah and moses. moses also can cut down the sea and go trough it. and noah, have a sense of big flood came and build the large ship for animal. these two humans also did a god job and humble theirself as a prophet. why did christian don say that jesus is just a prophet that god gave him a miracle to help human? in Islam, jesus is just prophet name Isa that have been send by a god to help and save human from lost in relegion. the result that he born without a dad is because that god want us to show us that the great of his power. like an Adam, he also have been created without parents and it is show a power of a god. jesus is prophet. if he is a god,why should he have a father? why should he have a holly spirit to help him to create a son in mary? why he don't do it by it ownself? christian always told us about jesus, but how about his father? where will his father go if jesus rule the kingdom of god? in our social live also teach us that father is more greatest than father,so why jesus is greater than his own father?why christian always love to the jesus than his father? i ask for you to answer and think deeply....
ReplyDeleteyou talked like the jesus is like a human,a what have the creater done. god is god, if you said that jesus want to touch, want to feel, want to have experience, want to see,is that like a human? and miracle that you have said, what about a prophet? prophet also have a miracle such as noah and moses. moses also can cut down the sea and go trough it. and noah, have a sense of big flood came and build the large ship for animal. these two humans also did a god job and humble theirself as a prophet. why did christian don say that jesus is just a prophet that god gave him a miracle to help human? in Islam, jesus is just prophet name Isa that have been send by a god to help and save human from lost in relegion. the result that he born without a dad is because that god want us to show us that the great of his power. like an Adam, he also have been created without parents and it is show a power of a god. jesus is prophet. if he is a god,why should he have a father? why should he have a holly spirit to help him to create a son in mary? why he don't do it by it ownself? christian always told us about jesus, but how about his father? where will his father go if jesus rule the kingdom of god? in our social live also teach us that father is more greatest than father,so why jesus is greater than his own father?why christian always love to the jesus than his father? i ask for you to answer and think deeply....