Entry kali ini saya mahu kongsikan sedikit soal-jawab saya dengan seorang Sister. Mungkin perkongsian dari emel ini dapat memberi serba-sedikit pencerahan terhadap beberapa persoalan. Alhamdulillah Sister ini membenarkan saya untuk kongsikan di Paradigma.
Untuk memahami perkongsian ini, tulisan yang saya bold kan ada soalan dari beliau. Manakala tulisan biasa adalah jawapan balas dari saya.
Salam bro yus. i have a friend who searching ways to improve her life. she's a muslim, age 19. She's in a free lifestyle but she does know little bit here and there about Islam . But maybe dari sudut akidah dah pendidikan keluarga tu agak kurang. dan mugkin juga kerana rakan2 nya juga hidup bebas.
Die tanya saya:
1. kan Allah tu Maha Berkuasa. kan kita semua tau yg akhir zaman Allah dah kata dah akan ada umat yg sesat dan jahat. so, by hook or by crook mesti akan ada org yg sesat kan? kesian ah kat dorg? tak kira lah cmne pun confirm akan ada yg sesat. y not Allah buat semua jer baik?
2. she noted a friend of hers. baik, solat tak tinggal n rajin baca al quran sume. but recently she told my friend dat she's been seeing a guy and have had sex with him many times. alot. my friend was shock because she was nice and all. kate solat tu tiang agama? and with all d amalan doesn't able to stop her from doing dat? she compare dat girl to herself n think bab amalan ni die lg sikit lah. solat pun belum sempurna. so, she's worried about herself too and start questioning Alla for dat.
Dear my sister.
First of all, your question very interesting especially when you questioning the Merciful and Powerful of Allah regarding this matter. This answer for above question.
In Islam we can classify everything happen in this world under two categories, which is those Allah wants to happen, and those Allah only allow happening. Regarding this matter it can goes into second category which is Allah allow it happen. This permission because human are given permission to practice their own freewill, either in obedience or defiance to Allah’s commandments.
Of course, if Allah had wished, Allah could have stopped this all ridiculous thing, but that would go against the freewill with which Allah has bestowed on mankind.
Moreover, no all person who ‘look like a ustazah or ustaz’ we can assume them perfect and never doing a bad things. We are agree, if we do a good things and follow the commandment of Allah, Allah will guide us. But as i mention before, This permission because human are given permission to practice their own freewill, either in obedience or defiance to Allah’s commandments even they are act their solat, fasting and so on.
Instead of it, we also never judge and assume those who never follow the instruction and comnmndt from Allah will be never get guidence and help from Allah. We don’t know what are this people doing behind our eye. They possibly helping the needes, helping the eldest, and so on. So this is all depends on ourself, and we can not blame Allah for this ‘bad things’.
3. she has another friend. yg buat benda2 pelik. **yg dosa besar lah senang cter. tapi, dat girl cepat tgkap study and tak penah kantoi and she receive all her wishes. is dat fair? how come u say dat god is fair like dat? **sbb saya pernah ajak die awalkan solat n saya kata: klau kita lewatkan perintah Allah, nanti permintaan kita pun jd gitu. masa tu baru kita nak bising. and she relate with this friend yg katanya hal agama langsung tak kesah. solat ke ape ke. but she still happy in her way , with her life.
Dear my sister.
In Islam we have term “Istidraj”. Meaning, those who never follow the commandment of Allah and they still getting whatever they want, and the consequence is those thing make them far from Allah”
And for those who follow Allah and Prophet commandment but still never achieve good result and so on, in Islam we call it as “TEST”.
Allah said in Quran surah al-Baqarah 2 verses 155-152, “And we will surely test you with some fear, hunger and shortages of property, people and produce. But give good tidings to the steadfast. Those who, when a calamity befalls them say: "We belong to Allah and to Him we return." Upon these are prayers from their Lord and mercy and these are the rightly-guided ones.”
And Allah also said in surah al-Anbiya’ verses 35, “Every soul will taste death. And we test you with bad and with good as a trial. And unto us you will return.”
4. she have another friend yg solat tak tinggal tp g clubbing. and for her dats good because she herself selalu solat tak cukup. and the friend said "aku g clubbing cmne pun aku solat tak tinggal"
This question u can answer by getting the idea from above answer.
5. she is on her way to stop doing something bad-which i myself do not know what it is. she need d stregh . she said she's afraid of sins and dying and balasan Allah n karma. but still, all dat still unable to stop her rom doing it. after she did it, she'll feel deeply afraid and worried but when d desire comes, she'll have it agian.
Dear my sister.
Human will never stop commit sin, but human will control and avoided it from doing it. In Islam, if we commit a sin, Allah told us to repent. Even we are doing it frequently Allah will forgive us. Allah never break His promise.
Allah said in surah at-Taubah verses 118, “(He turned in mercy also) to the three who were left behind (they felt guilty) to such a degree that the earth seemed constrained to them, for all its speciousness, and their (very) Souls seemed straitened to them,- and they perceived that there is no fleeing from Allah (and no refuge) but to Himself. Then He turned to them, that they might repent: for Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.”
If a person commits sin time after time, his sin is forgiven every time if he follows his sin with repentance if his repentance each time is sincere. The evidence that it is permissible to repent time after time is the fact that those who apostatized from Islam at the time of Abu Bakr were brought back to Islam by Abu Bakar and he accepted that from them, although he knew that they had been kafirs, then they entered Islam, then they went back to kufur, then they came back to Islam. So the repentance of a sinning Muslim, even if he sins repeatedly, is more likely to be accepted than repentance on the part of a kafir time after time.
“Narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that his Lord said: My slave commits sin, then he says, O Allaah, forgive me my sin. Then Allaah says, My slave has committed a sin, but he knows that he has a Lord Who forgives sin and takes away sin. So I forgive My slave. Then he commits sin again, and says, O Allah, forgive me my sin. Then Allaah says, My slave has committed a sin, but he knows that he has a Lord Who forgives sin and takes away sin. So I forgive My slave. Then he commits sin again, and says, O Allah, forgive me my sin. Then Allah says, My slave has committed a sin, but he knows that he has a Lord Who forgives sin and takes away sin. So I forgive My slave.” (Recorded by Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
May Allah bless us.
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"memperkasakan paradigma"
Yussamir Yusof @ www.yussamir.com
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