Alhamdulilah, Aidiladha muncul kembali pada tahun ini. Syukur kerana kita masih lagi sempat untuk menyambutnya, dan diharapkan kita menyambutnya berdasarkan apa yang telah Rasulullah ajarkan kepada kita secara terus melalui hadith-hadith baginda. Di sini saya paparkan kembali artikel yang saya tulis kemudian telah dijadikan sebagai bahan bacaan di playstation oleh syarikat rakan saya iaitu FLAVERT media lab. Sesiapa yang ada handphone atau playstation yang boleh mendownload bahan ini, saya galakkan untuk dicuba. Sekian.
Dan juga sedikit imbas kembali tentang AIDILADHA dalam artikel english saya dibawah ini:
Eid Al-Adhha is the "feast of sacrifice" and is celebrated from the tenth through the thirteenth days of Zul-Hijjah, the twelfth month of the Muslim calendar. This marks the anniverary of Abraham's attempt to sacrifice his son Ishmael on God's. At this time special prayers are said either in mosques or in fields designated for that purpose. It is during this time of the year that people generally make the Haj, or the pilgrimage to Mecca. Whether on the Haj or at home, people celebrating this begin the first day with sacrificing an animal as a commemoration of the Angel Gabriel providing Abraham with a lamb as a substitute. An animal sacrifice in Arabic is called Zabiha or Qurban.
In the Islamic context an animal sacrifice referred to as Zabiha meaning sacrifice as a ritual, is offered only in Eid al-adha. The sacrificial animal may be a lamb, a sheep, a goat, a camel or a cow. The animal must be healthy and conscious. Qurbani is an Islamic prescription for the affluent to share their good fortune with the needy in the community. On the occasion of Eid ul Adhaa, affluent Muslims all over the world perform the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), by sacrificing a goat or sheep. The meat is then divided into three equal parts. One part is retained by the person who performs the Qurbani. The second is given to his relatives. The third part is distributed to the poor.
The Muslims say that this has nothing to do with blood and gore,Allah said in Quran 22:37: “It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah, but it is Taqwa from you that reaches Him” The sacrifice is done to help the poor, and in remembrance of Prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael at God's command. This allegiance showed by Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) to Allah, is now lacking between the government and the governed, between the people and the Almighty Allah, and between families as well.
Relationships between families are devoid of this type of trust between Prophet Ibrahim and his family. May the fruits of obedience and trust, which the Eid ul Adha teaches, prevail and continue after celebrating this blessed day.
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