Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Bila seorang akautan menjadi pelukis

Paper Auditing yang sangat membahagiakan. Tidak pernah kertas peperiksaan saya bersih dan suci selama saya bergelar pelajar, pasti akan ada sesuatu yang menghiasinya agar lebih tampak ceria dan gembira.Hehe….

Mempersembahkan kertas peperiksaan auditing pertengahan semester tiga, tahun dua Yussamir Yusof…

p/s: Sir,kasi saya A ye..Cayalah..

Ada orang tanya pada saya, apakah jawapan bagi soalan auditing yang saya duduki semalam. Mereka juga nak tahu bagaimana seorang akauntan mengolah jawapan,adakah macam seorang penulis sastera atau seperti seorang jurutera awam. Saya tersenyum,kemudian mengambil pen dan cuba merangka balik jawapan yang saya buat semalam (melalui apa yang difahami dan hafalan;auditing kena banyak hafal sebab terutama bahagian syeksen). Akhirnya terhasil kembali, walaubagaimanapun bukan semua jawapan akan saya tulis. Hanya beberapa jawapan yang bakal memberi sedikit pengetahuan kepada pembaca, tentang apa itu auditing. Lagipun ini adalah subjek Auditing yang pertama,selepas ini saya akan menyambung Advance auditing pada semester hadapan.

Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal…

Question 1:

a) Distinguish between the component of accounting and auditing.

Accounting purpose to measuring and recognizing economic events and related data, in monetary terms and then communicating the resultant information (quantitative and qualitative information) to interested persons to it.

But then Auditing; process by which a competent, independent person accumulates and evaluates (examination) about quantifiable information (given in the financial statements) related to a specific entity for the purpose of determining and reporting on the degree of correspondence between quantifiable and established criteria (CA 1965 and MASB).

Question 4:

a) What are the right of an external auditor under the companies act 1965?

According to S174(4), an auditor of a company has the right of access at all reasonable times to the accounting and other records (including registers) of the company, and is entitled to require from any officer of the company and any auditor of a related company such information and explanation as he desires for the purpose of the audit. Moreover, according to S174(7) An auditor of a company or his agent authorized by him in writing for the purpose is entitled to attend any GM of the company and to receive all notices of, and other communications relating to, and to receive all notices of, and other communications relating to, any GM which a member is entitled to receive, and to be heard at any GM which he attends on any part of the business of the meeting which concerns the auditor in his capacity as auditor.

Question 6:

a) What are the basic elements in a standard auditor’s report on financial statement of a Sdn.Bhd or Bhd?

  1. Title – To the Members of Sdn Bhd or Bhd.
  2. Addressee should go to Shareholders of the company.
  3. Introduction Paragraph – Identify the Financial Statement being audited, including date and period covered; with emphasis that the preparation of Financial Statement is the responsibility of the company directors; and responsibility of the auditor is to express an opinion on the Financial Statement.
  4. Scope Paragraph – specify the terms of reference for conducting an audit; assume responsibility for the audit work; perform audit in compliance with established standards adopted and issued by MIA
  5. Reporting Paragraph – opinion paragraph –represents the auditor’s expression of opinion on the true and fair presentation of the company’s Financial Statement; state whether the Financial Statement are presented fairly in all material respect; implying he does not provide absolute assurance but instead reasonable assurance.
  6. Name and Signature of signing auditor – Auditor Report should be signed (acknowledgement of responsibility) under the name of the audit firm and in the personal name of the auditor.
  7. Address – the auditor’s address which is usually the city in which the auditor’s office is located.
  8. Date – must be the same with the date of the Board of Directors meeting approving the Financial Statement.


  1. waaa cayalah kertas xm yus
    kreatif sungguh~
    kalo ade luna buleh kaler da burung bangau tu kn :p

  2. hehehehe...tu la pasal,,kalau ada luna mmg dah kalerkan dah,,,huhuhuhu..
    wah2 dah ada blog tu,,,teruskn2
